

"V.A.Kurochkin International Contest for Young Actors of Operetta and Musical".



1.1. Founders and organizers of the Contest

The V.A.Kurochkin international contest for young actors of operetta and musical (hereinafter referred to as the Contest) is founded by Ministry of Culture of Sverdlovsk region, Music Theatres Association of Russia, Sverdlovsk State Academic Music Comedy Theatre and is held with aid of Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation, Union of Theatre Workers of Russian Federation and Gerard Vasilyev Foundation for Preservation and Development of Operetta.

Organizer of the Contest is Sverdlovsk State Academic Music Comedy Theatre.

1.2. Dates and venue of the Contest

The Contest is a biennial event which is held on the stage of Sverdlovsk State Academic Music Comedy Theatre (the 1-st contest was held on 6-12 November, 2006) in Yekaterinburg.

1.3. The purposes and objectives of the Contest

- To evolve the brightest and talented young actors who have wide range of expressive means which include singing, speech, stage movement, dance, acting skills;

- To get to know representatives of various national, theatre and voice schools;

- To promote creative activities of young generation in theatres, in music/theatre education institutions.

1.4. Jury of the Contest

- The panel of jury may include leading experts at music theatre (actors, directors, conductors, choreographers), music experts, theatre critics, representatives of Union of Theatre Workers of Russian Federation, teachers at subject-oriented education institutions (theatre/music faculty at universities, conservatoires, etc.), renowned management officials in field of culture and art.

- The panel of jury is formed by the Organizing committee of the Contest and approved by Founders of the Contest. The panel of jury should be announced not less than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the next scheduled Contest.

- The Work procedure of Jury is regulated by special Jury Regulations (see Appendix №1), approved by Founders of the Contest.

- Officially announced decisions of Jury are final and not subject to challenge.


2.1. Requirements to contestants

- Professional actors can take part in the Contest both of music and other kind of theatres (if actors of that kind of theatre have obtained music vocational education at least), students of theatre and music faculty at universities in Russia and foreign countries as well.

- The age of contestants on the first day of the Contest should not exceed 35 years (including).

2.2. Categories of the Contest

The Contest will be held in the following categories:

- Voice and drama (sub-category "operetta"/"musical") - soloists (female and male);

- Choreography (sub-category “soloist/duets”)***.

2.3. The Entrance fee

- The Entrance fee for the Contest amounts to 500 roubles.

- The Entrance fee will be transferred onto the current account of Organizers of the Contest after the applicant has received confirmed registration of the application by Organizers of the Contest.

- Applicants who have not paid entrance fee are not allowed to enter the Contest.

- Fails any registered applicant to take part in the Contest entrance fee would not be returned back.

2.4. Registration of contest application forms

- Applicants who wish to take part in the Contest should fill in Application form on the given sample (see Appendix №2).

- Application form and all accompanying documents are to be sent in paper and electronic formats (accordingly by mail or e-mail, addresses of dispatch are written in Appendix №2).

- It is necessary to attach to Application form copies of the following documents:

- The passport;

- Degree certificate;

- Diplomas or certificates which can confirm the prize-winner title in creative contests or other creative awards an applicant has obtained.

- It is also necessary to attach to Application form applicant’s colour portrait photograph of 9 х12 cm size (stage portraits are not accepted!). Electronic files of tiff, jpg format with volume from 500 KB up to 1,5 MB are accepted.

- The Application form cannot be registered, if:

- Applicant has improperly filled in Application form;

- Any necessary document or documents has (have) not been attached to Application form;

- Applicant does not comply with requirements imposed on contestants.

- Applications will be accepted to registration not later than 25 days prior to the scheduled date of the next Contest.

- Applicant will be informed about completion of application’s registration in a written form sent by Organizing committee of the Contest.

- Applicant is responsible for accuracy of the data he or she has stated in Application form.

- Organizers of the Contest reserve the right to use information and photos sent by applicants for public relation purposes and to make this information available to mass-media as well.


3.1. Financial conditions

- Contestants have to pay transportation costs to/from Yekaterinburg by their own.

- Organizing committee will provide for free board, meals to reduced prices during the course of the Contest programme only.

- Will contestants arrive to the Contest with accompanist and partners who do not participate in the Contest they are responsible for all costs arising during their stay on the Contest by their own.

- Organizers of the Contest will not provide to contestants, their partners and accompanist any kind of insurance.

3.2. Arrangements

- Contest probations include two basic rounds as public performances and the final gala concert which is the Contest final round at the same time.

- Contest performances are possible as solo and in group with partners who might participate or not participate in the Contest.

- Contestants who were admitted to participate in the final round (gala concert) by decision of Jury of the Contest but failed to become Prize winners according to results they may become Award winner.

- Award and Prize winners of the Contest are obliged to take part in an extra commercial gala concert as donation should Organizers of the Contest wish so.

- The Order of performances is settled at draw before the 1-st round will launch and will be the same during the 2-nd round.

- The Contest programme earlier chosen by the contestant at official registration may be clarified (no more than one programme number may be changed) on arrival day to the Contest; further changes are not allowed.

- The Order of performances and repertoire of entrants at gala concert are designated by Organizers of the Contest based on artistic standards.

- Organizers reserve the right to make audio records and video records during the Contest in order to use them at their own discretion. It is prohibited to make video records and to take photographs during contest probations and at gala concert without official permission of Organizers.

- The Organizing committee of the Contest makes to every entrant a professional accompanist and a sound engineer available and also provides rehearsal time before the 1-st and the 2-nd contest round will launch (no more than 15 minutes for two programme numbers).

- Contestants wishing to sing with orchestra in the 2-nd round should produce to Organizers music score and orchestra parts not less than one week prior to the beginning of the Contest or officially state about programme number to be changed if Organizers fail to make necessary music score available.

- The detailed information about the Contest is placed on the following Internet site: http://www.muzkom.net

3.3. Creative conditions

3.3.1. Requirements to performances of entrants in category “Voice and drama” in the 1-st round.

- Contest probations in the 1 round are held accompanied by concert piano or to pre-recorded track.

- Contestants have to perform 2 varied spectacular numbers in stage style; one of them is bound to be in Russian.

- In the 1 round classical works (composers of Vienna and new Vienna age, an aria, duets of comic operas and Soviet operettas) can be performed accompanied by concert piano only.

- It is allowed to use a microphone when works of musical, variety and jazz singing style are performed only.

- One of performances should necessarily include acting speech or patter so as to allow to estimate actor's prowess and contestant’s diction.

- Total duration of two performances should not exceed 12 minutes.

3.3.2. Requirements to performances of entrants in category “Voice and drama” in the 2-nd round.

- In the 2-nd round contest probations are held accompanied by orchestra or to pre-recorded track.

- Contestants have to perform two programme works or just one work; Jury of the Contest makes up its mind on quantity of works to be performed in the 2-nd round depending on number of contestants in the round.

- In the 2-nd round classical works (composers of Vienna and new Vienna age, an aria, duets of comic operas and Soviet operettas) can be performed accompanied by orchestra only. Perform contestants in classic manner they are not allowed to use a microphone.

- Works of musical, variety or jazz singing style will be performed with use of a microphone to pre-recorded track or accompanied by orchestra should contestant wish so.

- One of performed works should necessarily enable to estimate body mobility and choreography training of contestant.

- Total duration of two performances should not exceed 12 minutes. (if in the 2-nd round one number is performed duration of performance should not exceed 6 minutes.)

- One of two works which will be showcased in the 2-nd round may be a work which had already been acted in the 1-st round (has in the 2-nd round only one work to be showed it is not allowed to show that same work of the 1-st round).

3.3.3. Requirements to performances of entrants in category "Choreography art".

In the 1-st and the 2-nd rounds entrants have to show choreography works featuring hallmarks of operetta/ musical and basic parts of staging. Variations of classical ballets are not welcomed. Music of choreography works can be chosen by entrant irrespective of whether it was originally written for that ballet piece as dance part, voice part or had instrumental feature.

- In the 1-st round contest performances are showed to pre-recorded track or accompanied by concert piano; in the 2-nd round to pre-recorded track or accompanied by orchestra should contestant wish so or it is possible for Organizers to arrange it.

- In the 1-st round contestants have to perform two varied choreography works so as to enable Jury to estimate both choreography technique and contestant’s artistry.

- In the 2-nd round contestants have to perform two works or only one work; Jury of the Contest makes up its mind on quantity of works to be performed in the 2-nd round depending on number of contestants in the round.

- One of two works which will be showcased in the 2-nd round may be a work which had already been acted in the 1-st round (has in the 2-nd round only one work to be showed it is not allowed to show that same work of the 1-st round).

- Total duration of two works should not exceed 10 minutes (duration of one work should not be more than 5 minutes).

- Contestants who have chosen to dance as soloists will be estimated as single dancers irrespective of whether they act as soloist or in a duet.

- Contestants who have chosen to dance in a duet are not estimated as single dancer; they will obtain joint point.


4.1. Prize fund.

The total prize fund of the Contest amounts to 300. 000 roubles.

4.2. At the Contest the following prizes are set:

Grand prix – 60.000 roubles

It is awarded only to one contestant irrespective of category.

The first prize -25.000 roubles

"Voice and drama" - "Operetta" (female/male)

"Voice and drama" - "Musical" (female/male)

The second prize – 20.000 roubles

"Voice and drama" - "Operetta" (female/male)

"Voice and drama" - "Musical" (female/male)

The third prize – 15.000 roubles

"Voice and drama" - "Operetta" (female/male)

"Voice and drama" - "Musical" (female/male)

People’s Choice Award

One of contestant who has taken part the in final round of the Contest can be awarded People’s Choice resulting from spectators’ ballots during gala concert of the Contest.

4.3. Organizers of the Contest state in public about special prizes and awards to be set prior to the beginning of the next scheduled Contest after Founders of the Contest had adopted and approved applicable Rules and Regulations.

4.4. State, non-state, commercial enterprises, firms, creative unions, representatives of mass-media and other organizations have the right to set their own special awards if they had arrangements with Founders of the Contest only.

4.5. The Jury of the Contest has the right not to award one or several set prizes depending on the results achieved by contestants. The Jury of the Contest has no right to share the prize between two and more contestants (except for cases when dance duets take part in the Contest).

4.6. The winner of any main prizes can become also the winner of special prizes and awards set at the Contest.

4.7. Winners of Special prizes and awards set at the Contest can become only contestants who take part in the final.

4.8. The amount of prize can be transferred onto the settlement account of contestant (except for foreign citizens). Awards cannot be replaced by money. The surtax is withheld from all monetary awards.

*** By decision of Organizing committee no contest in category “Choreography art” will be held (19-24 May 2014).

***** The above prize fund was set and is valid for the V Contest only (19-24 May 2014 ).